Let’s Eat Medley is on Sale and a Freebie!

Collection is 30% Off through 4/4
Available ONLY at The Studio!

Celebrate the full foodie experience with these great mini’s and sides!

My Let’s Eat Mini Kit’s include:
40 individual elements
8 – 12×12 papers

My Let’s Eat Tiled Pack include:
12 – 12 x 12 .jpg papers

My Let’s Eat Word Strips include:
65 word strip .png files

My Let’s Eat Alpha Sets includes:
6 sets of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and a several symbols cut individually and in sheets.

Separate Packs



Here is a pretty little freebie for you all! I hope you enjoy!


Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek at next weeks release!

Thank you!

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About aimee

I have been designing digital scrapbook kits since 2009 and I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan with my partner, Tyler, my cat Shakey, our dog Buddy, I am an avid scrapbooker, photographer, reader of fanfiction, watcher of documentaries and I also have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My life is full of struggles and triumphs. It is a life well lived.
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  1. Deborah C Craytor

    The download link for the freebie is not working.

  2. Thank you Aimee!

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