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Tyler has been planting and planning our garden for the past few months and it inspired me to create this gorgeous collection! read more
Tyler has been planting and planning our garden for the past few months and it inspired me to create this gorgeous collection! read more
We have lots of strawberries growing in our garden and I love to pick them every summer! read more
I love to collect anything that reminds me of my Grandma’s kitchen when I was growing up. This is my homage to her. read more
Did you see the Solar Eclipse this year? I did! I missed some of it due to the terrible timing of an important appt but I was able to see it partially covered! It brought back memories of when I saw two others in my lifetime. It was pretty exciting. read more
My mom loved to crochet and I never was able to learn but I have many of her afghans and I treasure them! read more
I love to recycle because I feel like I’m giving back to the world. So I decided to celebrate Earth Day with this fun Collection! read more