Welcome to the July 2021 Blog Train at MM! I have a beautiful little mini for you all.

Go to Download HERE
Then, visit each designer’s blog or FB posting for her preview and link, click on the link provided and place her gift in your shopping cart. Check out when you have all of the gifts collected.
You will be directed to each designer’s store at the My Memories site. If you have not already done so, you will need to sign up for an account. [Note: This is a one time sign up, and no purchase is necessary.]
It’s a good idea to keep the list of designer links below open in a separate window to make sure you don’t miss anyone. The train runs July 16-31st.
The Blog Train Participating Designers for July 2021 are:
Karen Schultz Designs https://karenschulz.net/my-memories-monthly-blog-train/
PattyB Scraps https://pattybslittlespot.blogspot.com/
Kathryn Estry Designs http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/
ADB Designs https://adb-designs.com/my-memories-monthly-blog-train/
Over the Fence Designs https://overthefencedesignsscrapbooking.blogspot.com/
Scrapbookcrazy Creations https://scrapbookcrazycreations.blogspot.com
Carolyns Scrap Creations https://carolynsscrapcreations.blogspot.com/
Louise L http://louisescrap.eklablog.com/
FranB Designs – https://franbdesigns.com/
Aimee Harrison < you are here
Designs by Lisa Minor http://ronimasil.blogspot.com/
ButterflyDsign https://www.facebook.com/butterflyDsign
PrettyJuScrap – http://prettyjuscrap.blogspot.com/
LLL Creations – http://bit.ly/LLLBlog
A Giving Heart Studio – https://www.agivingheartstudio.com/
Scrap de Yas – http://lescrapdeyas.blogspot.com/
Happy Scrap Arts – https://happyscraparts.blogspot.com/
Shmooangel Designs – https://creativescraptreas.wixsite.com/shmooangeldesigns
Caroline B. – https://www.carolineb-design.com/blog/
Elizabeth’s Market Cross – https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethsMarketCross
Songbird Scraps Designs – https://songbirdscrapsdesigns.blogspot.com/
QueenBrat Digital Designs- https://bitsnpiecesofqbd.blogspot.com/
Connie Prince – https://scrapinfusions.blogspot.com/
Cutie Pie Scraps : http://www.cutiepiescrap.com/
Pat’s Scrap: https://www.facebook.com/PatEnScrap
Sugar Moon Design – http://www.sugarmoondesign.com
WinksArt Graphics http://winksartgraphics.blogspot.com/
Marie H Designs https://designsbymarieh.com/myblog/
blog train d/l not free. I like it a lot and thank you! 🙂 Sandy
What a great kit. Thank you!
Hi, Aimee!
The July Blog train picture shows papers but the DL just has the elements.
Thank you,
I uploaded them all again, can you redownload?
I just downloaded again but still no papers. MM will not let me put it in my cart, because I have already purchased.
no papers, just elements
I uploaded them all again, can you redownload?
Thank you very much but there’s no paper just elements !
I uploaded them all again, can you redownload?
hello )))) sweat mini …. but …. papers missed !
can you help us, please ????
thanks for all ))
I uploaded them all again, can you redownload?
Thank you very much for a wonderful gift! The set contains no papers.
I uploaded them all again, can you redownload?
No …. it’s always the same ;(
9,9 Mo … not 23.3 MB as indicated
and no papers !!
I’m working on it. I thought it was fixed yesterday. I have an email into Carly because this should be working and I have no idea what I need to do to get it to work.
Aimee – even if you upload again – none of us can download it a second time. It is automatically removed from our carts.
This must be a nightmare for you – but, on the positive side, we all come back because we KNOW that what you have made is worth it!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I had to write Carly. I never had people tell me that if something was missing, that they couldn’t redownload. Or repurchase or whatever is done for a freebie. So I am waiting to hear from Carly. When this happens on a normal release, I just fix it and I don’t have to do anything else so I’m really confused right now.
Aimee – thank you for all the time you have had to spend on this. So sorry that it has to be a problem. Thank you for your generosity!
Thank-You for the BT gift. No matter what it contains, it is appreciated.
Because Aimee re-uploaded the repaired version of her zip – all you need to do is go to your downloads in your account – find Aimee’s and download again. DO NOT try and put it in your cart again. Just go to your downloads.
I just downloaded her zip again and the PAPERS are there!
Thanks so much )))) I receive the papers )))))))
have a good night !!!