Re-release: Summer Bazaar – An Oldie But a Goodie!

The colors of this kit remind me of Portland’s Saturday Market. My favorite things about that market are the art, honey, fruits, veggies, local beverages and food, oh I could go on and on… “SUMMER BAZAAR” contains an eclectic mix of the items you’d expect to see at such a market. Bottles and frames and costume jewelry, along with all of the classic scrapbooking items, will allow you to create a huge variety of layouts!

The kit and all of the individual pieces are 40% off, but you can SAVE BIG by buying the whole Collection at 65% off!

The SUMMER BAZAAR Collection is available at Gotta Pixel, Digital Scrapbooking Studio, and My Personal Store.



My “Summer Bazaar” Collection includes the following:
43 Elements
12 Patterned Papers
3 Alpha Sets
30 Flairs
6 Word Art
10 Cardstock Papers
10 Damasks

FREE WITH PURCHASE! Receive 10 Glitters with the purchase of this collection. This item is exclusive to this collection and will not be sold separately.

NOTE: This is a previously released product, so you will want to confirm you do not own this before purchasing. Thank you!

aimeeh_sb_coll-1000     aimeeh_sb_gs-1000

aimeeh_sb_kit-1000     aimeeh_sb_ep-1000

aimeeh_sb_pp-1000     aimeeh_sb_dp-1000

aimeeh_sb_as-1000     aimeeh_sb_fl-1000

aimeeh_sb_wa-1000     aimeeh_sb_cs-1000

CT Inspiration Graphic

(Dee) SoHappy_SummerBaz_db_dbd      (Dee) SummerDays_AH-SumBaz_HSA-sunnyday2_dbd

(Kay) BE-Summer Bazaar-Aimee-600      (Robin) jy_bitsofyesterday5_sumbaz_robin_1000

(Toni) ah_summerbazaar_ah_t_hsa_alittlebitarty4sunny_2174_600      Summerbazaar-Sondra1000

Freebie Graphic




Grab these free journal cards that coordinate with my SUMMER BAZAAR Collection by clicking the image at the left, or CLICK HERE!

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About aimee

I have been designing digital scrapbook kits since 2009 and I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan with my partner, Tyler, my cat Shakey, our dog Buddy, I am an avid scrapbooker, photographer, reader of fanfiction, watcher of documentaries and I also have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My life is full of struggles and triumphs. It is a life well lived.
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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much <3

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