New! First Light Collection

Morning is my favorite time of the day and I especially love just before the sunrise when everything is just lighting up. The early morning light of winter is breathtaking and I wanted to capture those pale blues, pinks and reds for this collection.

First Light Goodies are on sale for 40% off through December 18 and the ENTIRE Collection is 65% off as well. The Collection has a ‘free with purchase’ deal and you will receive the exclusive six Inspirational Tags as seen below.

You can purchase the entire collection HERE and visit my store HERE to check out even more deals!



I created a lovely little bit of word art for you all! I hope you enjoy!


Download Here!


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Congratulations to Stacey for winning the First Light Page Kit! I will be contacting you shortly with links for the download! Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a success and thank you!


Latest News!

I am excited to announce that I have put my Christmas Tree up and I know that being excited to announce putting my tree up may sound silly but….would you just look at that beauty?!?!

Sneak Peek! Re-release of Sparkle On!

aimeeh_so_ahd-sneakI am excited to announce the re-release of Sparkle On! It is a beautiful kit full of sparkle and bling! I will be back on Tuesday for it’s release.

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!

Happy Holidays!

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About aimee

I have been designing digital scrapbook kits since 2009 and I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan with my partner, Tyler, my cat Shakey, our dog Buddy, I am an avid scrapbooker, photographer, reader of fanfiction, watcher of documentaries and I also have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My life is full of struggles and triumphs. It is a life well lived.
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  1. With all of these beautiful page clusters I’m beginning to feel like it IS Christmas. Thank you!

  2. Awesome Xmas’ tree design, it gaves me a lot ideas for the next year thanks for all the amazing stuff and the inspirative ideas.

  3. Thank you so very much Aimee!You certainly have some beautiful work. Many thanks for sharing your talent! 🙂

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