Orchard Grove is on Sale and a Freebie!

Orchard Grove is an autumn celebration of fruit bearing trees and the gorgeous colors they produce. I love the reds in this collection! read more
Orchard Grove is an autumn celebration of fruit bearing trees and the gorgeous colors they produce. I love the reds in this collection! read more
It’s Pumpkin Carving Time and this kit is perfect for recording your pumpkin carving antics! read more
This Mega is chock full of passion and angst, just like your favorite Scorpio! I love the oranges in this Mega! read more
Who doesn’t have a spot for the man of the house? I know we do! And this kit is perfect for recording memories of games and get togethers! read more
This kit made me think of all the times I would go trick or treating on my street growing up and how much fun it was. It’s perfect for Halloween Photos! read more
I have discovered a gold mine of unreleased mini kits in my files and this is the last set! They are a combination of FWP contributions from The Studio, Freebies, Challenge kits and more. So please be sure to check your stash before purchasing! read more