June 2020 MM Blog Train

Here is the beautiful June 2020 Blog Train, celebrating June! read more
Here is the beautiful June 2020 Blog Train, celebrating June! read more
Come sail away with me as we explore sailing and boating on the beautiful sea or lake in the sweet summertime! read more
Bee Grateful celebrates everything you’re thankful for in this world. I am thankful for so many things – most especially in the summer – and I am very fond of the engaging honeybee as it dances about in the summer days. read more
I have a new planner today, by my CTM Kathy, to match my Lakeside Collection! read more
Lakeside celebrates those great summer lakeside trips to fish or swim! Perfect for summer, swimming, exploring and fishing! read more
Fishing is so much fun and my dad spent many summer days fishing on the lakes here in Michigan. I love the bright colors of this kit that is perfect for your fishing and summer pics! read more