Gingerscraps turns 13!

Gingerscraps is having their birthday and, this year they are turning 13! What a wonderful milestone and to celebrate we have a 50% Off Sale! I also have a special! If you spend $20 in my shop, you get $5 Off!

This year I we have Sunset Love, a Free with $20 Purchase Collab!

We also have some awesome forum games!

And I have a template challenge so please head on over the forum to participate and enter to win a $7 Coupon to my store!

Happy Scrapping!


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About aimee

I have been designing digital scrapbook kits since 2009 and I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan with my partner, Tyler, my cat Shakey, our dog Buddy, I am an avid scrapbooker, photographer, reader of fanfiction, watcher of documentaries and I also have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My life is full of struggles and triumphs. It is a life well lived.
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