Re-release! Rainy Day Blues Collection

Rainy Day Blues is a kit full of watery blues and rich greens. Perfect for those rainy spring days.

40% off through March 23rd at The Studio and Gotta Pixel!


My Rainy Day Blues Collection includes the following:
42 Elements
12 Patterned Papers
3 Alpha Sets
4 Word Art
4 Clusters
16 Cardstock Papers
16 Glitter Styles

FREE WITH PURCHASE! Receive 8 Plaid Papers with the purchase of this collection. This item is exclusive to this collection and will not be sold separately.

NOTE FROM AIMEE: This is a previously released product, so you will want to confirm you do not own this before purchasing. Thank you! Aimee




I created this beautiful Border Cluster for you all! I hope you enjoy!


Download Here!

Sneak Peek

A Bit ‘O Sunshine Collection is a part of next Saturday’s Gotta Grab it! It’s full of sunshiny love and fun! The best part is that Heartstrings Scrap Arts will have matching Templates! So keep a look out!


Have a beautiful rest of your week!

Thank you!

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About aimee

I have been designing digital scrapbook kits since 2009 and I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan with my partner, Tyler, my cat Shakey, our dog Buddy, I am an avid scrapbooker, photographer, reader of fanfiction, watcher of documentaries and I also have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My life is full of struggles and triumphs. It is a life well lived.
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  1. Thank you so much dear Aimee, really appreciate your generosity and kindness. I like very much your artwork, thanks once more.
    Have a wonderful spring 🙂

  2. beautiful, thank you

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